Shortly after that I was up in the section of the labour and delivery department where they do the fetal assessment. I was asked all the normal questions " when was your last BM, describe whats the concern, have you felt the baby move recently? and was then taken to a room. In the room I was then hooked up to two monitors, one for the babies heartbeat and the other for measuring movement. After a bit I also had my blood pressure taken. For a bit they they decided to leave it on and ever twenty mins or so the cuff would inflate and do its thing. Finally the resident came in and asked alot of the same questions the nurse asked and did some other assessments. I was then informed that she would talk to the Obstetrician and decide on a course of action. After some time I felt better and because it was getting better by the time the obstetrician came It was decided that I was not having preterm labour. So I was released and went home to rest.
Registration in the Emergency department is different when you are pregnant. The first question you get is not “can I see your health Card” it is “are you in labour” and then they ask for your health card. (In case you ever need to know this, pregnant women before 20 weeks are seen first by an Emergency room doctor and after that they are sent immediately up to Fetal Assessment in the Labour and Delivery department.) I found this out when she asked if I wanted to see an emergency room doctor and I told her I wanted to see an obstruction since I was 25 weeks pregnant.
Shortly after that I was up in the section of the labour and delivery department where they do the fetal assessment. I was asked all the normal questions " when was your last BM, describe whats the concern, have you felt the baby move recently? and was then taken to a room. In the room I was then hooked up to two monitors, one for the babies heartbeat and the other for measuring movement. After a bit I also had my blood pressure taken. For a bit they they decided to leave it on and ever twenty mins or so the cuff would inflate and do its thing. Finally the resident came in and asked alot of the same questions the nurse asked and did some other assessments. I was then informed that she would talk to the Obstetrician and decide on a course of action. After some time I felt better and because it was getting better by the time the obstetrician came It was decided that I was not having preterm labour. So I was released and went home to rest.
Now that the blog on my glucose test is written up my current feelings, it is time to talk about last night’s visit to the hospital. It all started yesterday morning when I was getting ready for work. I was feeling a little uncomfortable from the aches and pains from my hernia but thought it would go away. I really tried not to take a Tylenol for the pain, but when I got to work the pain had increased to the point where I decided that I should take one. I really hate to take something for pain when it is not too bad, but I know that with this problem it is inevitable if I want to do anything but just lay around. It is possible to just lay around after work if it is your first pregnancy. When you have an active 3 year old that wants mommy to everything she used to it is a little different.
As the day progressed I decided that I was feeling a bit better but still thinking that I might need to go home. I had to battle with my feelings of staying at work for my customers and needing to go home to rest and take care of my baby (the one in utero). As you can guess my discomfort and concern for my baby won out and I told work I had to leave, contacted the hubbie and made my way home for a rest. After having some diner and resting for two hours I still felt some pain on and around my abdomen that had bothered me most of the day. The best way that I can describe the pain is like somebody put a heavy tight hair net on your to me. I started wondering if my baby was okay and did this mean bed rest was coming? I decided it would be a good idea to have myself and the baby checked out at the hospital and after kissing my 3 year old, headed off for what I hoped would be a quick check knowing full well it would take a while. Part 2 talks about the actual hospital experience. Well, here we are again at the lab and this time it is for two whole wonderful, amazing, stupendous, glorious hours…. Yeah. Just in case you could not tell by all the descriptors in the last sentence, I am feeling a bit sarcastic this morning. I have just woken up after a restless sleep and spending five or so hours at the hospital in assessment department of Labour and Delivery. I will write a separate blog on that later. In this blog I am planning to write as each part of the testing is done.
7:30 – I have now been waiting 15 minutes of the 2 hour glucose test and already ready to go home and have a pee. A warning to all, this may turn into one of those TMI kinda Blogs. I arrived at the lab ten minutes before the lab was scheduled to open and there were already four people standing outside I front of the lab. I amazed each time I have come to the lab when they open at 7 AM and find people waiting outside ready to get going. Also amazed at the diversity of those waiting this early. They are not just seniors waiting; they are people of all ages and backgrounds. Apparently people are either that eager or hate blood work that much that they arrive and are willing to stand in the cold for the pleasure of being poked and prodded by the vampires. I call the lab techs vampires out of love and respect. They do a very important job yet are most people’s least favourite people next to the parking meter attendants and parking garage money takers Now that I have hopefully set the scene of my morning it is time to share what has happened so far and the day ahead. After entering the lab and being given a number just after 7AM, I have been registered and had my 1st of three needles to get my valuable blood from. As I have been fasting for over 12 hours this I believe is supposed to give them a base line for my glucose or sugar levels with no food having been eaten recently. They then gave me the .75 grams of sugar solution which is just .25 more than they give you for the 1 hour test and yet seems 100 times sweeter and more disgusting. They gave me 5 minutes to drink the “Stuff” and I did it in 4, take that disgusting drink. This blog and parts of the hospital visit 2 were written during this first hour of waiting.. 8:15 – Ok, needle number 2 has been taken and that means I am 50% done my waiting time and 67% done my needles for the day. Yeah I am so happy and mean this a lot more than I was when I wrote at 7:30 this morning. I did learn an interesting fact from the tech who took my blood this time. When I complained how much I hated/dislike this test she told me that they used to have a 3 hour and 5 hour version of this test. I can only imagine how much fun that would have been and it makes me feel better about this 2 hour glucose test Well less than 24 hours after taking the glucose 1 hour test the results are in. This is the good news. The bad news is that I have to take the 2 hour version and it is FASTING.
While I am not surprised that I have to take the second test, I was hoping that this time I would not have to. Everything else about this pregnancy has been polar opposite of my pregnancy with my son and hoped that this would follow the same pattern of opposites. I guess all I can do is hope the second test follows the pattern of the first and everything comes out normal. I am not liking the idea of what may be required for the rest of the pregnancy if it were to turn out that I had Gestational diabetes. "Gestational diabetes develops during pregnancy (gestation). Like other types of diabetes, gestational diabetes affects how your cells use sugar (glucose). " - IT would have to be that the day I am going back to work from holidays that I have a morning of nausea. I just hope that I can get this feeling under control so I can go to work and not have to worry about feeling sick. At my work you need to bring a doctors notes in occasions like this where a person calls in sick right after just before starting holidays. I would rather not have to do that.
WOW TALK ABOUT PREGNANCY BRAIN. It sure has been a busy day off and now my brain appears to have shut off. I wrote the title for this blog and then no content before I posted it.
Well Today I did my first and hopefully only glucose test for this pregnancy. For those who have never taken it you drink this sugar liquid and then have to sit for an hour before the take your blood to measure your glucose levels. In the past they had used a coke like solution that was super sweet and those who had it said it was terrible to drink. These days they use a more bland sugar solution that while not bad to drink is definitely not pleasant to drink. I just hope I do not FAIL the test which means the glucose reading is to high. This does not mean that I necessarily have Gestational Diabetes, just that it could be. It does mean that I would have to do the two hour test which also has an additional blood test required to complete and not peeing for two hours. If you are or have been pregnant you know that it is hard for a pregnant women to hold it for two hours and just sit around and wait. Have you ever noticed how many aches and pains you have or notice when you are pregnant? Wigth this pregnancy I am finding that I have had or noticed more aches and pains associated with it. This can be from the position of the placenta, size and number of babies or from previous pregnancies. In my case I think some alot of this can be attributed to the pregnancy losses I had in pregnancy 1 and 3. These kinds of losses make a person more vigilant about what is happening with there bodies or some may call it paranoid.
Myself I would prefer to error on the side of caution and get checked out than run the risk of putting my life or that of my unborn child in danger. This is what saved my life with the ectopic pregnancy and today's visit gave me a sense of piece. It is very easy for a person to think of all the scary possibilities of what something is or dismiss what could be a possible danger. Lucky for me it is not anything that is dangerous to this pregnancy. The babies heartbeat was a good strong 143BPM. |
Blog FocusTrying again can be a scary and exciting time. I am glad I focused on the exciting part after my miscarraige and had my son as a result. Archives
December 2014