My Story![]() Hello, My name is Lee-Anne and I have experienced the M word. I have been pregnant 4 times and now have a handsome 5 year old boy and a 1 year old girl. If you have done the math then you will know that I have have lost two pregnancies. One loss was due to an ectopic pregnancy and the other ended in miscarriage , or as I am calling it the M word. Miscarriage and other forms of perinatal loss are often suffered in silence.
This purpose of this site is to help others who are going through or have been through one a place to share and heal. I know when we went through our first loss I felt like nobody I knew could truly understand what I was going through. As I told more people I came to find that more people than I thought had been through one. While it is sad that so many people have experienced perinatal or pregnancy loss, its comforting to know others understand where we are coming from. I have written five blogs starting with telling my own story of loss and can be found under the Voices of Awareness Blogs link on this page. I have a blog that takes about the path of grieving and another that talks about different types of grief. I have a fourth that talks about my involvement with the Silent Hearts Run in Regina and how it has helped my healing. The fifth blog is to share my current pregnancy including my fears and what if moments. |
Whats NewsTrying Again blog is done in the sense that we have had our little girl but still much to write on. There are a number of thoughts that I would like to write about that happened during our pregnancy that I did not get a chance to speak on yet. Hope to find some time soon to do this.
Now have a page on Facebook. Please take a look and share/like with your friends. You never know if one of them may be experiencing a loss and could use this site. Silent Hearts Walk/Run Dates took place October 4th 2014. Despite the weather it was very well attended. Hope I can walk it next year. FEELING BRAVE - Looking for people who want to share their story or comment on what I have already written. Someday I hope this site will be an interactive place of healing, Please feel free to use a user name like mom1975 instead of your real name.