Denial is the first stage in most models that I have seen on grief and the grieving process. In my case I was stuck at the denial stage for awhile, partly out of not knowing and the other part not wanting to think it could be happening or have happened. To better understand what I mean let me tell you the story. After we found out we were I did not feel so well. I had cramps, very uncomfortable and just wanted to cuddle in front of the tv. Since there was no discharge and the pregnancy seemed to continue I just thought it was nothing to worry about.
Being my first pregnancy I thought nothing of it. When we had the Ultrasound, it became all to real. I still felt that this couldn't really be happening. How could we not have known? Why did it not leave my body? What did I do wrong???????????????
Being my first pregnancy I thought nothing of it. When we had the Ultrasound, it became all to real. I still felt that this couldn't really be happening. How could we not have known? Why did it not leave my body? What did I do wrong???????????????