This has gotten me wondering if maybe we are little more pregnant than we think that we are. THis is one of the reasons that I asked for blood test as opposed to the urine test to confirm our pregnancy. The second reason is related to our last loss which was an ectopic pregnancy. I want to make sure we have a starting HCG number and hope it will give us an idea how far along we are.
OK, now the symptoms that make me sure that I am pregnant and possibly further along than I think I am. Well, for the last three days My breasts have hurt and I have felt like crap. How does crap feel like you ask? I have felt nausea, sore back and just not myself. The other day I also found myself feeling very tired and it was only noon. I just now need to figure out how I can take a nap everyday at work and also how to deal with decreasing the amount of coffee I drink. I dont drink alot compared to most people I know but I do drink enough that I now my doctors will say to stop.
Well keep posted as I plan to blog more often as each week my body changes and I continue this amazing journey of pregnancy.
I can't wait for my first ultrasound to confirm we have a viable pregnancy, and here my babies heartbeat.