As the day progressed I decided that I was feeling a bit better but still thinking that I might need to go home. I had to battle with my feelings of staying at work for my customers and needing to go home to rest and take care of my baby (the one in utero). As you can guess my discomfort and concern for my baby won out and I told work I had to leave, contacted the hubbie and made my way home for a rest. After having some diner and resting for two hours I still felt some pain on and around my abdomen that had bothered me most of the day. The best way that I can describe the pain is like somebody put a heavy tight hair net on your to me. I started wondering if my baby was okay and did this mean bed rest was coming?
I decided it would be a good idea to have myself and the baby checked out at the hospital and after kissing my 3 year old, headed off for what I hoped would be a quick check knowing full well it would take a while.
Part 2 talks about the actual hospital experience.