Have you ever noticed how many aches and pains you have or notice when you are pregnant? Wigth this pregnancy I am finding that I have had or noticed more aches and pains associated with it. This can be from the position of the placenta, size and number of babies or from previous pregnancies. In my case I think some alot of this can be attributed to the pregnancy losses I had in pregnancy 1 and 3. These kinds of losses make a person more vigilant about what is happening with there bodies or some may call it paranoid.
Myself I would prefer to error on the side of caution and get checked out than run the risk of putting my life or that of my unborn child in danger. This is what saved my life with the ectopic pregnancy and today's visit gave me a sense of piece. It is very easy for a person to think of all the scary possibilities of what something is or dismiss what could be a possible danger. Lucky for me it is not anything that is dangerous to this pregnancy. The babies heartbeat was a good strong 143BPM.
Myself I would prefer to error on the side of caution and get checked out than run the risk of putting my life or that of my unborn child in danger. This is what saved my life with the ectopic pregnancy and today's visit gave me a sense of piece. It is very easy for a person to think of all the scary possibilities of what something is or dismiss what could be a possible danger. Lucky for me it is not anything that is dangerous to this pregnancy. The babies heartbeat was a good strong 143BPM.